My Portfolio

Open-Source Memory

October 2021
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Part of group exhibition Disclosing Discomforts sketching research from 17 artists and designers through action, participation, performance and installation. 

In this two channel video installation, I was witnessing & juxtaposing cultural displacement by repositioning personal archives.

How to move forward by looking into the past?
How to find comfort in chaos?
How to find comfort in order?

Mort Aux Vaches – “Death to Cows” (chapter 1) and Gateway to the North (chapter 2) describes how my life has been since the pre and post revolution : between chaos and order, blurriness and sharpness - from the Lebanese revolution to the Beirut blast (chaos) and finally my move to Amsterdam (sharpness). 

Video 1: Mort Aux Vaches, 2021
16:9 format single channel video, colour and sound, 1 minute.
Video 2: Gateway to the North, 2021
16:9 format single channel video, colour and sound, 2 minutes 22 seconds.